HDC000 Hello there! My name's RD-RR. What can I do for you? HDC001 Oh, back again, eh? What's shorting your circuits? HDC002 Anything else I can help you with? HDC003 I don't know. What? HDC100 The bridge? Oh, you have to connect the big gear to the motor. Or is it the small gear? Blaster bolts! My programming's gone haywire. My memory's good, it's just short! HDC200 The gears? Well, there's a few scattered around the cliff ledges outside. But if you're interested, I've got a large gear right here. HDC210 I've been here so long my battery is going dead. If you give me a battery, I'll give you the gear. Deal? HDC215 I'm fresh out of juice, so I'm afraid that batteries won't help me. I need to be re-powered. If you have a power plug and a generator, you can power me up. In exchange, I'll give you the gear, what do you say? HDC216 But there's no way you're going to get the bridge to move without it! HDC300 I was sent on this training mission one day by my droid builder and my battery started to run low. So I decided to rest here until someone came along with a new battery. HDC301 I'll tell you, but first, a joke. What do you get when you bug a droid for too long? HDC302 An annoyed droid! HA! HA! That one always tickles my transistors! HDC303 Hey, I got another joke for you. How did the space pilot stay so clean? HDC304 He flew through a meteor shower! HAR HAR HAR! HDC305 I got one more. You're going to love this. Why don't Jawas ever go hungry when they're in the desert? HDC306 Because they eat all the SANDwiches there. Har, har! Get it...sandwiches! Ha! HDC211 Thanks! I love the feeling of a fresh battery. Here's the gear that interested you. HDC214 You can think all you want, but there's no way you're going to get the bridge to move without it! HDC219 Well, come back when you find the battery and I'll give you the gear. HDC220 Hooray! Thanks! That put the spark back in my spark plugs! Here's the gear. 17300 You're on your way to the top! Find a way to operate the bridge so it moves up or down. Then use it to get your droid to the top of the cliff. My scanners detect some objects in the area that might be helpful. Understanding how gears work is essential. My data circuits have worked in high gear and confirmed that InDex has lots of information on gears. Just press the blinking InDex button below! 16022 Your droid isn't strong enough to lift that thing! 17301 Hooray! This is the gear station. Now all you have to do is find a way to get across to the top of the cliff. 17302 The bridge is moving! 17304 There's already a gear on the spindle. 17305 There's no gear on the spindle. 17306 This is the bridge. 17307 You picked up a small gear. 17308 You picked up a medium gear. 17309 You picked up a large gear. 17310 You picked up a battery. 17311 That gear is too large. Try using it on the other side. 17312 The gears fit onto the spindles jutting from the left and right of this machine. 17313 Yikes! That sound gives my audio receivers an ache! Maybe the gears aren't configured properly. 17314 Nice job! The gear is spinning! 17315 Blaster bolts! The bridge isn't moving. I don't think we put the gears on the right way. 17316 The bridge still isn't at the top of the cliff. 17317 Great work! Both gears are spinning. JFC000 Greetings, droid. JFC003 Goodbye, and good luck! JFC002 I hang out at the end of all the missions and wave this flag. JFC200 Yay!! You've completed the mission. JFC210 Hello again. JFC220 Why yes. As a matter of fact I do. I'm looking forward to the day when I get to be a droid builder like the one who built you. He sure is good! JFC230 Goodbye, droid. JFP210 Hello. HDP400 Goodbye. JFP003 Goodbye. JFP230 Goodbye. HDP000 Okay! JFP001 Hello. What are you doing here? HDP001 Thanks. JFP002 How do I lift this heavy block? HDP301 What are you doing here? HDP002 I don't know. What? HDP003 Funny. HDP004 Oh. Funny. HDP006 I don't know. How? HDP010 I don't know. HDP100 How do I make the bridge move? HDP200 Where are the gears? HDP210 Can I have the big gear? HDP300 You're not going to tell me, are you? HDP303 Do you have any more jokes? HDP305 You said you were going to tell me what you're doing here! HDP211 It's a deal. HDP212 Let me think about it. HDP213 I don't have any extra batteries. HDP214 I don't have a generator. HDP215 I don't have a power plug. HDP216 I don't have a power plug or a generator. JFP220 Do you ever get tired of waving that flag?